The Countryside of Cao Bằng

Ground dropping slightly in terraces towards house with karsts beyond. Grazing buffalo on horseshoe terraces with karsts for background This page adds to the set of pages on the north-eastern province of Cao Bằng in Vietnam. (For more pages see contents. Go to another page. ) Other pages have shown rocky karst slopes, Go to another page. placid waterways, Go to another page. and communities including the provincial capital, Go to another page. here a range of images underlines the diversity of this most inviting of provinces. Karst anad fields below. Villages at the foot of a karst with fields around Stones piled on roacks to free up earth for planting. In the higher areas of the province the rocky ground is challenging. Here farmers have stacked up the stones to clear small fertile patches of soil Rocks seperated by small neat lines of planting. Neat lines of maze between the rock and stones Very rocky valley with small terraced fields. A typical upland valley with its rocky fields like those seen in Go to another page. the high hills of Hà Giang Valley floor with wide fertile fields. Among the hills but at less elevated levels the fields are more manageable Family working in large field on a hillside. A family working in their fields in a lower, and less rocky, mountainous area Pillion holding large grill, car coming. The oncoming car, possibly wanting some of the road... Pillion holding large grill, woman walking. ...but not too much of it, and we continued to follow Motorbike laden with paper refuse. Paper collection - Cao Bằng style A valley floor with a rich patterning of fields. More fields at a lower level with the patterning of paths... Sinuously curved ditch. ...and irrigation ditches that occur throughout Vietnam Fencing and flowering crops within. A three bar fence protects the fields. What might be kept out or in - possibly pigs? Looking through trees to a village and fertile terracing. And now down to the low levels where the slopes are fertile and the valley bottoms rich Scorpion. The original dense jungle of the lower slopes - Cao Bằng is just within the tropics White blossomed tree. White blossom Pink blossomed tree with hills and terraces behind. Most trees in Vietnam are evergreen, although there are seasons here in the north just as in non-tropical regions. This is probably part of the great attraction the Vietnamese feel towards these spring blossoms that appear before the leaves. The earliest blossoms are used at the new year celebrations much as pines are used in northern Europe Pink blossomed tree with karst behind. Again with karst as backdrop Valley with haystacks in cluster to the left. ...etherial air, like groups of spirits in conclave Haystacks with Han photographing them. These haystacks take on an altogether... Red flowering tree with jungle behind. Bright blossom standing out against the dense jungle background House with bananas beside it. Houses with their banana trees Rows of papaya trees heavily laden with fruit. Papaya plantation Workers tending the papaya plantation. Workers tending the plantation Covered store off the ground, maze fields around and house in background. Stilted storage and maze field Field of maze. Maze in the rich soil of the lower ground View down a valley with road and houses and karsts in the background. A summary picture of Cao Bằng: gentle rich wooded country with a background
of jagged karst hills
Trailers... Boys herding cattle through paddy. The next page goes up to the northern border of Cao Bằng where Hồ Chí Minh returned to his country in 1941. Edinburgh from Blackford Hill. The next page of the Mosaic Section is headed 'Edinburgh is north of London'
Go to the contents of the Mosaic Section.
Saturday 26th October 2019 Murphy on duty

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