This section has images of Vietnam taken on tours we have made. Hovering on an image will enlarge it a little, clicking on an image will hold it as a larger picture. The images are available to purchase, most are 120MB PSD files suitable for printing. For speed of the page opening, and to guard copyright, the images displayed are restricted to about 1MB, and please bear in mind that the rendering of colours does depend on the screen and software you use.

The Land of North West Vietnam

This is one of two pages that lets you see a little of the north west Provinces of Vietnam. The images were taken on a recent trip at the beginning of December 2010 which had mixed weather in its nine days: three rained off, two fine and the others so-so. The pleasure of travel in the northern areas of Vietnam is not knowing what will turn up; on another occasion the set of images would be quite different, but I hope this conveys something of the area. This page has images of the land, natural features and towns, the other page is about the people - the images are of individuals and their activities.