This section has images of Vietnam taken on tours we have made. Hovering on an image will enlarge it a little, clicking on an image will hold it as a larger picture. The images are available to purchase, most are 120MB PSD files suitable for printing. For speed of the page opening, and to guard copyright, the images displayed are restricted to about 1MB, and please bear in mind that the rendering of colours does depend on the screen and software you use.

Cao Bằng

Cao Bằng contends with Hà Giang as northern Vietnam's most attractive province. But whereas Hà Giang's claim rests on great mountains and a wild and dramatic landscape, Cao Bằng is essentially more homely, clothed and green. It is probably the least visited province of Vietnam, but this is simply because it is a long way to go, does not combine easily with other places and does not have the named special places that attract visitors. However, it does have the Ba Bể national park and the Bản Giốc waterfalls. Much of the area is formed from karsts, but here these limestone hills are heavily wooded, rather than the bleak peaks of further west. We rather hope that not too many people will discover this corner of Vietnam, it remains today largely untouched by tourism.